50 Simple Acts of Kindness

The community we live in shapes us, and every act of kindness within our community has a ripple effect that has the potential to make our islands a happier and more caring place to live. Touch of Kindness is a Guernsey Young Enterprise scheme run by three students who share this philosophy, and they have compiled this list of simple and effective acts of kindness that encourage us to be kind to ourselves, our family and friends and our community as a whole. 

If we all do just one of these simple acts today, the positive effects will be felt throughout the islands, and beyond. 

We’re in! Are you? 

Blue Flower


Be Kind To Yourself

1.  Practise mindfulness and enjoy a quiet moment taking in the beauty of our islands 

2.  Reflect on your day, either with a quiet ten minutes before sleeping or in a daily journal

3.  Take a break from your busy day with a lunchtime Meditation Moment at the library

4.  Take time to appreciate the good in your day

5.  Cook yourself your favourite meal

6.  Invest in your personal interests and some self care

7.  Explore a new hobby... here are some ideas with 10 Books To Inspire You To Try A New Hobby

8.  Take a walk through Guernseys parks to clear your mind

9.  Give your mind and eyes a rest from screens

10. Run yourself a warm bath, or go all out and Create A Spa Experience In Your Bathroom 


Be Kind To Your Family And Friends

11.  Phone in on one of your family members and tell them ‘I love you’

12.  Compliment a colleague or leave a compliment on their desk

13.  Listen to a family or friend talk about their troubles

14.  Reconnect with an old friend

15.  Walk your neighbour's dog for the morning 

16.  Write a small thank you note to someone who is there for you

17.  Babysit for free

18.  Help out with a household chore - without being asked to do it

19.  Talk to someone about the best part of the day you spent with them 

20.  Make some lifelong memories with them by cooking some food for them to try 




Be Kind To A Stranger

21.  Drive with a kind manner and allow a driver or cyclist to exit at a busy junction

22.  Pay for someone's morning coffee

23.  Give your seat up on the bus to someone who needs it

24.  Pay it forward by donating towards a meal for someone in need at the Mill Street Community Café

25.  Hold the door open for someone

26.  Smile at the stranger you pass every day whilst walking down the street

27.  Offer to carry someone's shopping back to the car for them 

28.  Welcome a new neighbour or member of a community to the area 

29.  Ask someone about their day... and really listen to what they say 

30.  Make a silly joke to brighten up someone’s day


Be Kind To The Environment And Animals

31.  Plant a tree or some plants in your back garden 

32.  Contribute to the welfare of animals by supporting the GSPCA - here are 8 Ways to Help Out at the Animal Shelter

33.  Donate some of the clothes you no longer wear to a local charity shop 

34.  Help out with a beach clean or simply pick up litter when you're out for a walk on the beach 

35.  Create a compost bin for your garden

36.  Recycle as much of your rubbish as possible 

37.  Let someone go first when they are rushing 

38.  Pick up discarded rubbish in the park 

39.  Donate to a local charity of your choice

40.  Support rescued animals in Guernsey by becoming an Angel Sponsor




Be Kind To Our Community

41.  Register as a Volunteer and join the growing number of individuals supporting local charities

42.  Gift someone a Touch of Kindness Wellbeing Package

43.  Donate some clothes to charity and let someone else enjoy those vintage pieces you no longer wear

44.  Be extra patient and understanding

45.  Leave a positive online review to a local business (Editor's Note: The List? Oh go on then! You can leave us a review here)

46.  Support Guernsey's businesses by shopping local

47.  Donate to Guernsey Welfare the next time you do a food shop 

48.  Leave a tip in a busy cafe or coffee shop

49.  Show gratitude to everyone working in our community with a simple Thank You

50.  Offer your time at charity or community events


Touch of Kindness


Touch of Kindness is a Guernsey Young Enterprise scheme run by three students who are passionate about encouraging people to look after themselves and driving conversation about health and wellbeing in the workplace. The team handcrafts affordable wellbeing packages for business employees, offering a monthly subscription service - head over to their website to find out more!

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