
Each week, we reflect on the different stages, providing expert insights into how this can affect your energy, how you may be feeling, and why, with our moon guide Luisa Scilironi. Lu also shares insights into how you can best take advantage of the moon's energy and work with, rather than against, the natural flows of the lunar cycle.

March 2025

Hopefully you took advantage of the Aquarius energy last month and have started to step into your power and embrace your true-self. The energy you put out to the world is what you attract back. If you radiate confidence and believe in yourself then others will see that in you too.

Scorpio helps us confront any hidden truths which is a big help when releasing outdated beliefs. Many of us try to keep our patterns and limiting beliefs under wraps, ashamed to admit them to ourselves or anyone else, but to truly transform, we must accept all of these parts with compassion and let these beliefs go.

Find out more below.


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Working With The Moon's Energy

The moon is beautiful, magical and powerful. Working with the lunar cycle is a powerful practice we can use to make positive shifts in our lives by harnessing the moon's energy. Each stage gives its own unique energy, and when we learn to harness this energy it can support us in our day to day lives.

New Moon

The New Moon is an exciting time to set our intentions. It is time to dig deep and be honest about what you really want to achieve and really connect with the reasons you want to achieve this.

First Quarter

This is a time to be reflective and commit to your intentions. It may also come with challenges. Looking back on the intentions you set, ask yourself if this is what you still want. If so, really commit to the intention and take action.

Full Moon

Full moon is a powerful time to tune in with your emotions and let go of what no longer serves you. When we let go of the things that do not serve us we open ourselves up to receive everything that does.

Last Quarter

This is the halfway point between the intensity of the Full Moon and the exciting potential of the New Moon. Use this time to celebrate the wins, reflect on the challenges and make any adjustments needed ahead of the next New Moon.


2025 Lunar Cycle Dates

First QuarterFull MoonLast QuarterNew Moon
06 January13 January21 January29 January
05 February12 February20 February28 February
06 March14 March22 March29 March
05 April13 April21 April27 April
04 May12 May20 May27 May
03 June11 June18 June25 June
02 July10 July18 July24 July
01 August09 August16 August23 August
30 August07 September14 September21 September
30 September07 October13 October21 October
29 October05 November12 November20 November
28 November04 December11 December20 December
27 December

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New Moon Wellness

Hi, I'm Lu, Founder of New Moon Wellness and my aim is to support people on their wellness journey.

I believe there is a lot more to wellness than just the physical body - our minds and energetic bodies also come into play. Wellness is about thriving and to thrive we need to take a holistic approach.

It can be a minefield to know where to start so I am here to hold your hand and help you claim your own power. Trust me, you have a more power inside you than you could ever dream of.

I can help connect your mind and body, and reconnect your feminine energy. My core services include:

  • Awaken Coaching Courses
  • Reiki Sessions
  • Energy Resets
  • Cacao & Coaching Sessions

You can find out more about my services and coaching programmes here.