In partnership with Guernsey Mind


Guernsey Mind is a recognised hub for mental wellbeing with a clear vision: "to raise awareness and encourage understanding of mental health issues."

Our mission is to inspire you to make your wellbeing a priority.

Let's do this TOGETHER


Anyone can contact Guernsey Mind - you don't need a referral. If you want to talk, or you're worried about someone, get in touch.


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It's time to Live Life Well


Do you, or does someone you know, need help or support?

If you're concerned about your mental health, you're not alone. Two in every three people will have mental health needs at some point in their lives.

Sometimes reaching out can be the hardest part. To make it easier, here's a list of some of the local support services you can access during difficult times.

If you need urgent help, contact your GP.


Guernsey Mind provides support based on their core values:

  • OPEN We reach out to anyone who needs us
  • TOGETHER We're stronger in partnership
  • RESPONSIVE We listen, we act
  • INDEPENDENT We speak out fearlessly
  • UNSTOPPABLE We never give up

Guernsey Mind will listen to you and discuss how you are feeling. Together, you can come up with a Wellbeing Plan.

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