The Supplement You Need To Add To Your Wellness Routine RN

In partnership with Healthspan

Fish oil has a wide range of health benefits, which are well known in the world of wellness and nutrition. There's widely available scientific evidence to back this up, with omega 3 in particular being held up as having a wealth of health merits. Not least for the role it plays in supporting your eye health and vision. 

If you don’t already take a fish oil supplement, this could be the time to start. Let's take a look at why it should be an essential part of your wellness routine for eyecare.



What Is Omega 3?

You've probably heard of omega 3 and you may know vaguely that it's good for you, but what exactly is it? Omega 3 is a type of unsaturated ‘healthy’ fat found predominantly in fish oils. It is an essential nutrient that helps with many important physical functions and has many potential benefits for your health. There are two types of essential omega 3 fatty acids that benefit us the most: Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA).

But here’s the thing - our bodies are not able to produce these fatty acids naturally, so the only way to get them is either from your diet or from nutritional omega 3 supplements.


How Can I Get Enough Omega 3?

As you would expect, DHA and EPA can be found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout, herrings and sardines. You can also find some omega 3 in plant based foods such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, soya beans and walnuts, but it is a different kind of fatty acid in plants and it is not as easily absorbed by our bodies from plants as it is from oily fish.

Most of us don't consume enough of these types of fish or plants, so taking a high quality daily supplement is a good way to boost your omega 3 levels. Healthspan has a range of supplements containing omega 3 which are either sustainably sourced fish oil based or contain plant based vegan omega 3 oils.



‘Even those of us with normal eyesight know we'll need glasses at some point, even if just to read small print. This is because the lens becomes less able with age to focus images on the retina.
‘But changes can occur in every part of the eye, due to age or injury, illness, exposure to ultraviolet light or other issues. Some changes may even lead to life-changing blindness. This is where regular eye tests, good eye care routine, less screen time and essential nutrients can really help.'

Dr Hilary Jones - GP and Medical Advisor to Healthspan


How Does Omega 3 Support Eye Health?

As we age, most of us will notice that our eye health and our vision changes, especially in a world of ever increasing exposure to screens and smartphones and the blue light they emit. But the good news is there's evidence that taking an omega 3 rich supplement, such as OptiVision®, can support your eye health and help you to maintain normal vision. The OptiVision® formulation is based on research conducted by The National Eye Institute to provide your eyes with a science-backed formula. 

Evidence of the benefits includes studies showing that a diet high in omega 3 can reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a progressive condition that can result in blurred and ultimately loss of vision.

There's also research that shows fish oil supplements can help with the treatment of glaucoma, which is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss worldwide. Alongside the natural aging process, increased pressure inside your eye can be a contributing factor with glaucoma and fish oil supplements have been shown to lower this risk.


Are There Alternatives To Fish Oils?

If, despite the benefits, we haven’t convinced you to take a daily dose of omega 3, you may be pleased to hear that there are alternative ways to support your eye health. We’ve all heard the story that eating carrots can improve your eyesight - and there is actually some truth to this myth! Carrots contain carotenoids which can help protect your eyes and keep them healthy - but you would need to eat a lot of carrots every day to feel the benefits. An alternative approach is to take a supplement. 

Retinex® Max contains natural lutein and zeaxanthin, two powerful carotenoids found in high concentrations in the macula, the 'seeing' part of your eye. These carotenoids have also been proven to absorb blue light, which is an added bonus for those who spend a lot of time looking at screens every day.


Pop into the Healthspan shop, situated in Church Square opposite the Town Church.

The friendly team will be happy to help you find the supplements you need to support your health this coming season, including OptiVision® and Retinex® Max


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