Tips To Help You Cope With The Pressures of Christmas

In partnership with Beaucette Marina

Are you feeling the pressure as Christmas approaches? You’re not alone. It’s a special time for many of us, but expectations run high and while we can have the best of times at Christmas, it can also be the most stressful time of the year. Juggling social demands, worrying about the mounting costs, trying to pull off a flawless Christmas dinner - these are just a few of the many stressors that can trigger feelings of anxiety or leave you feeling flat. 

But we’re here to help. Together with Beaucette Marina - Guernsey’s Coastal Escape we’ve got some simple tips to help ease the strain and help you cope with the Christmas chaos, helping you to enjoy the little things that make Christmas special.


Give someone you love to the 'Gift of Time' with gift vouchers for a Coastal Escape in the Shepherd Huts at Beaucette Marina.

1.  Be Present.

Christmas is all about spending quality time with family and friends and enjoying the moments that really matter. Our modern world makes it very hard to be truly present - pun intended -  but Christmas is a great time to practise this skill. Try to resist spending too much time online, either watching reruns or mindlessly scrolling. Make the holidays a time to ‘disconnect to reconnect’ and spend time enjoying the company of people who really matter in your life.


2.  Make Time For You.

If you find yourself stressing over the tiniest of things as the Christmas pressure builds, try scheduling some time for yourself every day. Just ten minutes, sitting quietly by yourself, can be enough to help you hit the reset button and reduce the festive friction. Better still, meet up with a friend for lunch and a walk in the lead up to the big day or, if you have the time, make dinner plans. Chances are your frineds are also feeling the pressure and they would enjoy the opportunity to have a quiet catch up.


3.  Set Yourself Up For Success.

If you are expecting everything to be just right for Christmas, you are setting yourself up to fail. We fall into the trap of assuming that everybody else is having a wonderful time, but the reality is that none of us will have that elusive ‘perfect Christmas’. Real life is not like the movies. And sometimes it’s the mishaps and imperfections make the best memories and traditions. So don’t worry if your tree isn’t picture perfect - it just has to be right for you and your family. And so what if you burn the parsnips - will anyone really notice? A calm and stress free Christmas morning is much more important than a perfect table setting. And remember, Christmas preparation doesn't have to be a one man show. Let others help - insist on it if you have to. If that doesn’t work, make plans to eat out on the big day and let someone else do the cooking and clearing away. 


4.  Get Outside.

Thousands of studies have been carried out on the benefits of spending time outdoors and being in touch with nature; from reducing depression and anxiety to improving your physical health. So whatever the weather, make time to go for a walk with family or friends over the holidays. Or join in one of the many planned sea swims that take place around the island. Soak up the natural beauty of our island and see how much calmer you feel. The quiet lanes around Beaucette Marina are a great place to walk, away from the traffic. You can extend the experience by booking into Saltwater and letting someone else do the cooking while you enjoy the view. Or plan ahead with these gift vouchers for a coastal escape in 2024.


5. Practice Gratitude.

Research carried out over 12 years from Harvard university has found that writing down three new things you are grateful for, every day for three weeks, increases your happiness levels, decreases your stress load and can even boost your immune system. It works because you are training your brain to search for positives in your life, rather than focusing on things that stress you and the study claims it's the fastest to teach optimism. Start this simple pracitce - which takes less than two minutes - today and you’ll see the benefits over the Christmas period, and beyond.


6.  Stick With The Basics.

Good hydration is one of the cornerstones of self care, but mulled wines, festive cocktails, even too much tea and coffee can take their toll at Christmas. So start your day with a glass of water - yes, before you open your advent calendar - or maybe try some warm water with a slice of lemon as a pick-me-up on dark mornings. If you are enjoying Christmas drinks with work or a few glasses of wine with dinner, have a glass of water to hand. Speaking of dinner, no-one likes to be overworked at Christmas, so don’t force your digestive system to work back to back shifts either. With opportunities to constantly graze and more processed and sugary foods around, it’s tempting to overindulge. But try to eat in moderation to allow your digestive system to work effectively. You can’t digest food well when you're feeling stressed, so make time to sit and enjoy your meals - stop rushing around, park those family feuds and enjoy every moment of your Christmas dinner.


7.  Enjoy The Gift Of Giving. 

Everyone loves to receive a gift, but let's be honest, the most valuable thing anyone can give to someone is their time. Doing something kind for a friend, making plans to spend time with family or simply taking the time to genuinely thank someone will strengthen relationships and create experiences that material gifts can’t even get close to. Carrying out genuine acts of kindness, at any time of the year, can lower your blood pressure and reduce your stress and anxiety levels, and can also make you happier and give you a renewed sense of purpose. What better time think of others than at Christmas. So don't get stressed searching for the perfect pair of socks or a novelty mug that no one really needs or wants. Give the gift of time and you can all reap the benefits together. 


Treat someone you love to the promise of time spent together in 2024 in one of the luxury Shepherd Huts at Beaucette Marina. Use code Earlybird to receive 20% off bookings made between 1st December to 31st January.
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