8 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Weekend


How often does Monday morning roll around and you're left feeling like you wish you’d done a bit more over the weekend? It’s a fine balance between putting in time to recharge and getting stuff done. Sometimes the answer is to do things that give you energy rather than preserving your energy on the sofa. To make it feel like you've had a good couple of days off, you need to make those hours count. 

So we’ve pulled together a list of the best way to reset, recharge and yet make the most out of your weekends so you feel like you've had a real break. Let’s get into it.


1. Make Plans

Like actual ones. Why? Because you are more likely to do something if you plan it. The weekend often slips away if we don’t have plans made in advance. Sometimes it’s a question of adding something that energises you rather than cutting something out in order to preserve and restore energy. So book that restaurant, arrange to meet friends at the beach, book into that workout class or schedule some you time into your calendar. It also gives you something to look forward to during the week, meaning it’ll improve your weekdays too. Win win.  But don’t overplan - a little bit of spontaneity is also great. Just remember that often when you don’t have any plans, you can end up  doing nothing, so pop one of two things in your calendar. Win win. 


2. Pop You On Your ‘To You’ List

Yup, we know we bang on about this, but it’s really easy to pack our weekends with chores and To Dos that tend to serve others and not ourselves. And yes, we all have responsibilities, but don’t forget yourself in all of this. Between dropping the kids at football, helping the neighbour with the shopping, checking in on mum and dad and making sure the cupboards are stocked, we can often forget ourselves. So pop a walk or a drink with a friend, a spa treatment or even some solo sofa or beach time with a book or some music on the To Do list too. 


3. Put The Phone Down

Did you know that life happens whilst you’re looking at your phone? No, but seriously though. Try putting it in a drawer, on charge in another room when at home. Pop it in your pocket when you are at dinner with friends or family. The more time we spend scrolling, the more energy gets sapped and the more our attention spans spread thin. To recharge at the weekend, spend a little less time on your phone - it’s ok to not reply immediately. Weekends are for a slower pace of life. Take your time. Enjoy your moment and catch up on your feeds later. You won't have missed much, trust us.


4. Catch Up On Your Life Admin 

Yep, the week can be for chores but sometimes a power hour of catching up on things that have been on your mind on a Friday night or Saturday morning can really set you up for the weekend, giving you time to make the most of the rest of your weekend. So sort that mountain of post in the entrance hall, put that pile of clean laundry away, pay the bills you’ve been meaning to get to, finish that DIY job that has been taunting you in the corner and reply to all of those texts and personal emails you haven’t got around to. You can also pop on a podcast or show that you’ve been meaning to catch up on - double duty for the win. Getting these things out of the way will help you to not only enjoy your weekend but also wipe the slate clean for Monday which is always a good way to start a new week. If you want anything to spend your weekend doing no chores at all then make sure you schedule them into your weekdays in order to avoid the weekend niggles. Habit stacking is a great way to solve this problem by the way. 


5. Allow Yourself To Relax

Don’t over-schedule yourself. You know the phrase “need a holiday to get over the holiday”? That’s not the goal each weekend. So make sure you have pockets of downtime in your weekend so that you can recharge your batteries ready for Monday. 


6. Make Sundays Fun 

Start a tradition like Sunday night movies or Sunday brunches. Maybe a plan a Sunday morning adventure to try something new or get outside and enjoy the island we live on. This is one way to enjoy Sundays so that they don’t get filled with chores and the Sunday blues and make them special days that you look forward to.


7. Get The Day Off To A Good Start

Many of us enjoy a slower morning at the weekend, but this can often drag on leaving us feeling like we haven’t achieved much by lunchtime. Why not find a bit of balance there and fit something else in to your weekend morning? This is the time to indulge in an activity you enjoy - be it a trip to the gym, learning a musical instrument, creating something or spending time with friends. Your chill time does not have to mean doing nothing. 


8. Go On An Adventure

You don't have to leave the island to go on an adventure. Why not book a museum date with a friend, go to a bay you haven’t been before, try some sea swimming or a new hobby or class. Don’t wait for an excuse for an adventure, like family or friends visiting. You can have fun every weekend and you’ll feel like you've had a real break by the time Monday morning rolls around.

Take this list as an excuse to enjoy your weekends now and let us know over on social when you do.

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