First Quarter Moon

First Quarter Moon in Cancer

Monday 15 April 2024

In partnership with New Moon Wellness

How You May Be Feeling And Why.

You may find your emotions are running high in this First Quarter Moon in Cancer. This means it is a really good time to pay attention to how you are feeling on the inside. 

Be gentle with yourself and remember there are no bad emotions (even if they feel uncomfortable). When we tap into our emotions we can tap into our heart space, when we tap into our heart space, our intuition can truly be heard. 


How To Take Advantage Of This Energy.

Cancer is closely associated to home and family. What do you and your family love doing together? It might be a walk to the Fairy Ring, a hot chocolate from Woodies or a run around Le Guet. 

Whatever fills your cup, pencil out sometime for it to help calm heightened emotions and enjoy the moment with the ones you love.


Find out more with our Weekly Moon Guide, your local guide to the moon cycle and energy in Guernsey.

In partnership with New Moon Wellness

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