10 Drinks To Try If You're Sober Curious

Alcohol-free nights out are a lifestyle choice. Choosing not to drink alcohol doesn't mean you have a problem with alcohol or that you're 'being boring'. Sure, you can have a glass of wine or two on a night out. But it's also ok to have some alcohol-free fizz instead, without making a big deal out of it. 

And the drinks industry is catching on to this trend, with more and more grown-up alcohol-free alternatives becoming available. So if you're feeling sober curious, we've got some great alcohol free alternatives for you to try. Take a look at the list below.




1.  Mocktails in Town

Nobody said that alcohol free has to be boring. Mocktails are common in many of the bars and restaurants in town these days, and there's no compromise on flavour, or atmosphere... the disco lights in the ladies' in Balthazar will still be flashing if you have a virgin G&T! The Health Improvement Commission shared a selection of mocktail recipes last year, offering lots of fun non-alcoholic alternatives so you won't feel that you're missing out if you're in the mood for a refreshing alternative at home.


2. KTea Kombucha

The locally-based founders of KTea Kombucha had, like many of us, had enough of sugar-loaded soft drinks. When they tried Kombucha for the first time it was 'love at first taste'! Inspiration hit and they decided to brew their own all-natural, low sugar version at home right here on the island. In 2018, KTea was launched with 3 different flavours. If you haven't already, you really must try it... there's even free delivery in Guernsey when you stock up. It's a no brainer, really.


3.  A Kooky Lifestyle 

Kooky Lifestyle is on a mission to bring a range of alcohol-free brands to Guernsey that will revolutionise the no/lo scene and 'bring the sparkle to sobriety'. Their premium brands range from refreshing botanical elixirs to craft beers and elegant sparkling teas, and they're being stocked in more and more local bars and restuarants. Look out for the occasional Kooky Lifestyle pop up so you can stock up on alcohol free options at home too.  

4.  No-Cider Cider 

If you’re looking for the refreshing taste of Rocquette Cider without the cider, then you’re in luck. The Meller family produces Guernsey Apple Juice at their farm in the Fauxquets Valley. It’s made with a selection of apples which have been dropped off at the farm by locals from all corners of the Island, with a touch of immunity boosting vitamin C thrown in for good measure. Winning.


5.  A 0% Beer That Tastes Like Beer

We haven’t been able to find any locally brewed non-alcoholic beer, but we are reliably informed from an inside source at Randalls that Becks Blue is one of the best around because “it actually tastes like beer”. However, Heineken 0.0 also scored highly in a decidedly unscientific survey undertaken on behalf of The List recently - thank you Rob!

Edit: We found one (almost!) - Alfie is Little Big Brew Co's low alcohol beer. At 0.5%, it isn't exactly alcohol-free, but it's pretty close.


6.  A Grown-Up Alcohol-Free Drink

There is a growing trend of non-alcoholic favourites like a classic G&T. Seedlip helps to answer the question “What to drink when you’re not drinking?”  Founder Ben Branson started distilling herbs from his own garden when he couldn’t find a sophisticated adult alternative to alcohol on a night out in London. The brand dominates the luxury end of the non-alcoholic spirits market in the UK, but other big players are catching on to this growing trend. Soon, we’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to quality low or non-alcoholic drinks on a night out. 


7.  The Best Non-Alcoholic Wines

You can enjoy your favourite wine without the alcohol. You may just have to do a little bit (ok.. a LOT) of research. Luckily, One Year No Beer also loves a list! And they’ve done the hard work for us on this one. There’s something for everyone in their top ten non alcoholic wine choices, including chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon, rose and even champagne. We're big fans of Noughty Sparkling Wine. Not only is it alcohol-free and organic, but it tastes pretty good too.


8.  Alcohol Free Mulled Cider

Of course, you can also make your own alcohol free drinks to enjoy with friends and family at home. We love this festive Mulled Cider Recipe from Guernsey's Health Improvement Commission. With ingredients that include cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon and clementines, the aroma that fills your home is so warming and welcoming, making it the perfect drink to enjoy whatever the time of year.  


9.  Soft Drinks

Gone are the days when choosing a soft drink meant your choices were limited to a coke or orange juice. There’s a huge selection of soft drinks out there, too many for even us to list, so we’ll name just a few of our faves; elderflower cordial, cloudy lemonade and ginger ale.  


10.  The Elixir of Life

And let’s not forget the elixir of life, water. Even this humble drink takes many forms these days, from a simple glass of tap to mineral, sparkling or soda. Best served on the rocks with a slice of citrus, some fresh mint or even some frozen berries thrown in, if you’re feeling adventurous!


Drinking is such a socially accepted part of our culture, a way to unwind and have fun, that it can be difficult to recognise when it goes from drinking for pleasure to having a drinking problem. If you're looking for information and guidance to help you make an informed decision, take a look at How To Recognise If You're Drinking Too Much... And What You Can Do About It.

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