8 Ways Your Day-to-day Living May Be Disrupting Your Hormones

Guest post from local Nutritional Therapist Sarah Gale

Hormonal balance is the unsung hero of our overall well being, influencing everything from our energy levels and mood to our menstrual cycles. However, amidst the hustle of daily life there are some seemingly harmless daily habits that could be wreaking havoc on your hormones. 

Let's delve into eight daily practices that might be disrupting your hormones



1.  Morning Coffee Ritual

The impact: That comforting morning cup can trigger a spike in the production of cortisol, our primary stress hormone which overtime can disrupt sleep patterns, metabolism and even our menstrual cycles. In tandem, caffeine can also result in blood sugar fluctuations which can lead to energy crashes and increased cravings. 

The solution: You don’t need to swear off coffee altogether, instead enjoy it after a protein rich breakfast in the morning to limit the impact on both cortisol and insulin. 


2.  Late-night Phone Scrolling

The impact: The blue light emitted by phones and electronic devices interferes with melatonin production, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. Reduced melatonin not only affects sleep quality but can also influence other hormones, impacting mood, stress levels, and reproductive health.

The solution: Give your phone a bedtime and try a tech-detox an hour before bed. Use this hour as ‘me-time’ and revisit that book collecting dust on the nightstand. 


3.  Starting the day with toast or porridge 

The impact: Starting the day with high-carb, low-protein options can cause a rapid spike and subsequent crash in blood sugar levels. Regular blood sugar imbalances in the morning can affect energy, concentration, and lead to increased food cravings throughout the day.

The solution: You don’t have to ditch the toast or porridge altogether, just make sure to add in some protein. This might look like scrambled eggs on toast, or adding in a scoop of protein powder or full-fat Greek yoghurt to your porridge.


4.  Opting for Low Fat Foods

The impact: Fats play a pivotal role in hormone production and restricting healthy fats can starve the body of the essential building blocks needed for hormonal balance.

The solution: Always opt for full-fat when at the supermarket and make sure to get a serving of healthy fats such as avocado, salmon, olive oil, nuts and seeds with every meal. 


5.  Missing Out on Natural Sunlight

The impact: Sunlight helps regulate our internal clock or circadian rhythm. Hormone production is circadian, so if your internal clock is altered then this will have a big impact on the production and rhythm of your hormones.

The solution: Get outside at least once a day, even on cloudy days. Morning sunlight is the best for supporting our circadian rhythm, but if you can’t get out first thing, get outside later in the day instead. 


6.  Always Saying 'Yes'

The impact: Constantly putting others first and neglecting personal boundaries can lead to chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels. Chronic stress not only affects hormonal balance but can also weaken the immune system, reduce cognitive function, and lead to emotional burnout.

The solution: Remember, it is okay to prioritise yourself and learning to say ‘no’ or ‘maybe later’ can be liberating and do wonders for your stress response 


7.  Skipping Meals

The impact: Missing out on meals can result in erratic blood sugar levels, stressing our insulin regulation. Over time, this can contribute to weight gain, energy lulls, and even increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The solution: Prioritise 3 meals a day to support healthy blood sugar regulation and keep some healthy snacks nearby for days when things don’t go to plan 


8.  Lighting Scented Candles

The impact: Many scented candles contain phthalates and other chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors, which mimic or interfere with the body's natural hormones. Regular exposure to these disruptors can affect reproductive health, metabolism, and make the menopause transition a more rocky one.

The solution: Opt for natural candles, such as those made from soy or beeswax, and opt for diffusing essential oils instead.


Meet Sarah...


Expert Sarah


Sarah Gale is a Registered Nutritional Therapist, Clinical Nutritionist DipION mBANT and hormone expert and helps women who just can’t lose weight break free of the diet cycle, rebalance their hormones and feel confident in their own skin again.

After a lifetime a hating her body and chronic yo-yo dieting, Sarah realised that yo-yo diets didn’t have the answers and by balancing her hormones, fixing her metabolism and working on her mindset she could finally lose the weight and get her self-confidence back.

You can find out more about Sarah and the services she offers over at Sarah Gale Nutrition


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