New Moon

New Moon in Cancer

Friday 5 July 2024

In partnership with New Moon Wellness

How You May Be Feeling And Why.

The whirlwind of life may feel like it has calmed down this month so it is time to slow down, enjoy the moment and count your blessings.  

Cancer is the sign to connect to home and family, a time to nurture yourself and the ones close to you, so you may want to spend time with the ones you love. As humans we need connection to thrive and when we are thriving everything else falls into place. So think about how you can enjoy more connection with this New Moon.

The second theme to this New Moon is healing, and to heal we must learn to feel. Feeling is something a lot of us find challenging, so when uncomfortable emotions arise give yourself the same love and compassion you would to your friends and family. The domino effect in allowing yourself to feel is being more connected to your intuition. Intuition comes from feeling, trusting your gut and listening to your heart.  


How To Take Advantage Of This Energy.

Cancer is ruled by water and this is a powerful tool for healing.  Sometimes to really feel our feelings we need to remove ourselves from life and what better way to do it then get out on the sea. Hire a paddle board from Outdoor Guernsey and leave your cares on the shore. Using the healing energy of the water you can really sit with your feelings, using the sea as a cleanse before you come back to shore


Find out more with our Weekly Moon Guide, your local guide to the moon cycle and energy in Guernsey.

In partnership with New Moon Wellness.

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