Last Quarter Moon

Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn

Saturday 22 March 2025

In partnership with New Moon Wellness

How You May Be Feeling And Why.

This has been a big week, as on the 20th March we started a new astrological year - hello Aries! - and also celebrated the Spring Equinox.  

The word that comes to mind when I feel into this energy is ‘potential’. This is the time of the year that can feel like anything is possible. We can celebrate new beginnings as we move into Spring and the astrological New Year.

Are you feeling the excitement that comes with Spring? Use this as motivation. Sow the seeds of potential. What would you like the warmer seasons to look like for you? Set your intentions now and watch how they flourish.


How To Take Advantage Of This Energy.

Use this energy to make space leading up to the Super New Moon. Think of this as a time to ‘spring clean’ your life and your home.

By clearing out the old we make so much room for the new. Check out DeclutterBox Guernsey.


Find out more with our Weekly Moon Guide, your local guide to the moon cycle and energy in Guernsey.

In partnership with New Moon Wellness

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