Creative Designer Serena shares her 5 wellbeing essentials.
I realised I was getting wound up by social media, or jumping into work mode too early by looking at my phone - so I park my phone at night, have switched to a Lumie alarm clock and will do a workout or read in bed with a cuppa instead.
I end up feeling trapped and a bit deflated if I don’t make an effort to get to the beach every week, so I’m being consistent and jumping in the sea anytime I can, no matter the weather. Bonus points if it’s followed by an ice cream with a friend.
Lover of colour and comfiness, I like to consciously dress in a way that brings me joy each morning. Clothes should be fun and make you feel confident! Shopping your own wardrobe is the best (and it’s free!) or I often hit up charity shops for a feel good bargain.
Being around nature reminds me to slow down and chill out. I love pottering around the garden seeing how my plants have developed or going for a snorkel round Les Amarreurs pier. It often puts things into perspective for me.
This isn’t necessarily about the food - although we’re massive foodies so that does play a big part! My partner and I always make the effort to sit down over dinner and decompress about our day without any additional distractions.