Implement This One Rule To Beat Procrastination In Every Area Of Your Life

If you're someone who has a lot of decisions to make in one day - be them big or small - it can be easy to become fixated on details and end up deciding nothing. And ultimately, getting nothing done. Here at The List, we implemented something to stop us procrastinating and getting stuck in ‘analysis paralysis’. It’s called the 51% rule.



What Is The 51% rule?

It’s simply from something that Barack Obama has often said when asked about making tough decisions - especially with more than one person or opinion in the room.

The idea was then made popular by entrepreneur and podcaster Steven Bartlett who was lucky enough to have a conversation with Obama where they spoke about decision making and Obama said to him: "You don't have to get to 100% certainty on your big decisions, get to 51%, and when you get there, make the decision and be at peace with the fact that you made the decision based on the information you had". 

Our co-founder Stefanie saw this and told it to Tracey and ever since then, when we are going back and forth, one of us will say ‘51%!’ and it will help us to settle and move on really quickly. Perfectionism can be a sneaky form of procrastination, and this rule is the absolute antidote to that.

Here’s why:


1. It Helps You To Beat ‘Analysis Paralysis’.

Have you have ever spent so long thinking things over that you end up doing nothing at all? That’s what this rule aims to avoid. It encourages you to take action when you’ve got just enough info to make a reasonably informed choice, rather than holding out for every little detail. Steven Bartlett loves this idea because it stops you from getting stuck overthinking and pushes you to take action – even when things aren’t crystal clear.


2. It Helps You To Go With Your Gut.

You can lean in on your instincts and experience. Trust yourself to make the right call, even if you’re not 100% certain. Successful people often trust their gut – not because they always know what’s right, but because they’re willing to take the plunge when others might hesitate. What we find is that, when we make the decision, sometimes that makes us realise it’s the wrong one really quickly - and so we are able to change it and move on.


3. It Stops You From Stalling.

The idea is to make decisions in good time, especially when life or work demands it. Hanging around for all the details could mean missing the boat entirely. In fast-paced situations, whether it’s in politics, business, or just day-to-day life, making a timely choice is often better than waiting for perfection. Also, just because you’ve made a decision doesn’t mean you can’t adjust if new information comes your way. It’s all about staying adaptable.The 51% rule is really about striking a balance. It’s a middle ground between acting too quickly without enough info and waiting too long.


So essentially, the 51% rule helps you move forward confidently, knowing you’ve got just enough information to make the right call while staying open to course-correct if needed.

Try it for a while and then let us know how it goes for you.

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