5 Ways To Take Control Of Your Health RN

In partnership with Cherry Godfrey

If there’s one thing your future self will thank you for, it’s investing in your health and wellbeing. And there's no better time to start than right now. Being proactive when it comes to your health gives you a better chance of living a longer, healthier and more fulfilling life. 

By taking control of your health now and making changes that will empower you, you will reap the benefits in the long term. 



1.  Be Proactive.

Here in Guernsey we have a higher life expectancy than people living in England, but it’s still a sobering thought that 21% of local deaths recorded in the most recent Public Health report were avoidable. That means they were either treatable, or they could have been prevented by different individual behaviours. 

This leaves no doubt that our healthcare decisions and lifestyle choices have an incredible impact on our health. By taking a proactive approach and taking control of your health today, you could be on track to give your future self a healthier blueprint for longevity. Start with small steps, they really do add up.


2.  Choose A Healthier Lifestyle.

Actions speak louder than words, so make your actions intentional with conscious choices that will set you up for success. Eat healthier meals, get a good night’s sleep, drink plenty of water, build some form exercise into your daily routine and keep your stress levels in check. We know that's all easier said than done, and it can feel overwhelming to change the habits of a lifetime. But you don't have to do it all at once. For example, you could try to crowd out bad habits. This method helps you take control by giving more space to good habits, which means bad habits will naturally feature less in your life. 

And of course it’s not just about what you do - what you choose not to do is equally important. For example, the risks associated with smoking and drinking alcohol to excess are well documented, so choose another way. 



3.  Invest In Medical Cover.

Money spent to improve your health and protect you from unexpected medical costs is money well spent. Private medical insurance is an investment that can be especially beneficial here in Guernsey, where you have to pay for primary and emergency healthcare, such as GP visits, trips to A&E and ambulance services. With the rising costs of seeing healthcare professionals, medical insurance will not only give you peace of mind, it can also help you feel more in control of your health.

Secondary or specialist healthcare is free to local residents, but again medical insurance can be a worthwhile investment, giving you access to quicker consultations and treatment plans, as well as paying the costs.  


4.  Take Responsibility.

Even when you have medical insurance in place, it’s up to you to take personal responsibility for your health, and that includes being informed of your healthcare options. For example, some medical insurance providers offer preventative care services, such as annual wellness checkups and routine health screening. You can also benefit from the health screening programmes that are run locally, such as breast and bowel cancer screening, or book yourself in for a free chest and heart appointment, where screenings and blood pressure checks are carried out by fully qualified and experienced nurses.

But you don't have to wait for medical conditions to arise or screening appointments to come around. It’s your responsibility to look out for signs that something may have changed with your health. If you feel that something’s not quite right, or become aware of any signs or symptoms of disease or a potential medical condition, make an appointment to see your GP straight away.


People often spend too much time losing their health in order to make money, then have to spend that money in later life to try to buy back the same health they sacrificed.


5.  Make Time For Your Health.

Only you know what intentional changes you need to make in your life to improve your lifestyle, and only you can make it happen. The Dalai Lama famously once said that people often spend too much time losing their health in order to make money, then have to spend that money in later life to try to buy back the same health they sacrificed.

We’re paraphrasing, but the message is clear - your health should be your number one priority. Don’t leave it until it’s too late to do something about it. So book that appointment, make time for your yoga class, go to the gym, invest in medical insurance… do whatever it is you need to do right now to prioritise your physical, emotional and mental health. 


If you’re looking for expert guidance to help you cover your medical insurance needs, speak to the experts at Cherry Godfrey and let them help you enjoy your best island life. 


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