Our Pick of the Best Books for Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment


September is a time of new beginnings. The change in seasons brings with it an opportunity to evaluate how you live your life and reflect on what happiness and success mean to you. For many, that can bring a desire to move towards a more spiritual and intuitive way of living - but where to start? 

These book recommendations from our friends at the library will help you to harness your intuition, do a deep dive on manifestation and celebrate joy in the everyday. 



1.  Manifest - Dive Deeper by Roxie Nafousi

Manifest showed you it's possible to change your life. Now Manifest: Dive Deeper will show you every step you need to take to get there.

In this hotly-demanded follow-up, you will discover exactly how to unlock your limitless potential, create lasting, transformative change, and turn your dreams into a reality. Expanding your understanding of each of the unique seven steps to manifestation, Roxie Nafousi provides practical techniques to teach you how to harness your potential and confidently step into your power.

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2.  Good Enough: They Myth of Success and How to Celebrate the Joy in the Average by Eleanor Ross

We have been sold the story that we can do it all, and that being above average is the path to success and happiness. But now it's time to rediscover our appreciation of the ordinary and the average - that space where most of the best things happen. 

Eleanor Ross was compelled to write 'Good Enough' after her experience of a breakdown. The ensuing burn-out led her to question what drives us to push ourselves so hard that we mentally break. If there's one thing Eleanor has learned, it's better to be average and happy than successful and miserable.

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3.  The Fun Habit by Mike Rucker

Doesn't it seem that the more we seek happiness, the more elusive it becomes?

There is a multitude of research that proves how beneficial fun is to our physical and psychological well-being, yet all too often, its absence from our modern lives is striking. Whether you're a frustrated high-achiever trying to find a better work-life balance or someone simply seeking relief from life's overwhelming challenges, it's time to look into fun as a solution. The Fun Habit is the ultimate guide to reaping the serious benefits of fun.

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4.  Shy and Mighty by Nadia Finer

Nadia Finer is on a softly-spoken mission to give shy people a voice. 

Shyness can make us feel isolated, and it's inherently difficult to talk about, yet half of all humans consider themselves shy. Shyness is not weakness, nor a shameful secret. Let's own our shyness, and work with it in the face of the loud, outgoing idea of success. It's time for a softer, more considered approach. Shy people have unique qualities and skills, so let's nurture and appreciate them. This book gives shy people the support and understanding they need to step out of the shadows.

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5.  Why Be Happy? The Japanese Way of Acceptance by Scott Haas

This book offers a path to well-being and satisfaction for the anxious and exhausted and anyone charmed by concepts such as hygge, ikigai, and wabi sabi.

Psychologist Scott Haas spends much of his time in Japan, and with this book he provides a host of delightful examples of the way he has been made welcome, accepted and happy in this distant country, as well as many thought provoking and practical lessons which you can apply.

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6.  Healing is the New High: A Guide to Overcoming Emotional Turmoil and Finding Freedom by Vex King

Taking charge of your inner healing is one of the greatest acts of self-love. By committing to this process and raising your vibration - the energy that courses through you and you radiate out into the world - you'll create space to welcome more joyful experiences into your life.

In this book, Vex provides an experience of healing through the layers of the self, using yogic principles and unique practices. These techniques are simple, accessible and have the power to produce exceptional results.

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7.  Empower Your Inner Psychic: How to Harness Your Intuition and Manifest Your Dream Life by Theresa Cheung

Those who believe they can sense things beyond time, space and the material are in the majority. A dream coming true, correctly following an inexplicable hunch, noting signs and coincidences, accurately predicting the future; these are all instances of psychic experiences.

Blending personal development and scientific study with mindfulness practices, this book explores the theory behind psychic abilities, along with practical ways in which we can harness them. Through case studies, exercises and meditations, every reader can learn how to empower their decision-making and trust their senses.

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8.  Meditate Yourself Happy: Change Your Mood with 10 Minutes of Daily Meditation by Fiona Lamb

With 'Meditate Yourself Happy', learn to choose the thoughts you pay attention to. Because by changing the way you think, you can change the way you feel and subsequently change your life. 

Meditation is not an unachievable state; this book will teach you how to harness its transformative power to heal your body and mind by reducing stress, controlling anxiety, promoting emotional health, enhancing self-awareness and improving your overall wellbeing. Through easy and accessible exercises that are organised by mood and range from 5-10 minutes, discover how small shifts can lead to big changes.

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