Meet Matt Le Vasseur, he's a Porter at Guernsey's Covid Vaccination Centre. We asked Matt to tell us a bit about himself and to share his thoughts on working at the CVC and living in Guernsey through the pandemic... of course, we put it in a List!
Here's what Matt had to say...
Before working at the community vaccination centre I was employed by Bailiwick law enforcement as a Police Officer No. 162, leading the self isolation enforcement team on secondment to the Guernsey Border Agency. My role included performing checks on people that had travelled and were self isolating and also investigating potential self isolation breaches which included all forms of evidence gathering.
I became involved as a Porter within the community vaccination centre through advertisement of the role by the States of Guernsey.
A typical shift for me starts off with one of the most important tasks of the day ensuring that the kettles are boiled for when the medical and admin staff arrive to the CVC in the morning. Following that I spend my day managing the car park, ensuring people move in and out of the centre easily and also safely. We escort those who require assistance through the centre ensuring it is as easy for them as anyone else to be vaccinated.
I was born and raised in Guernsey and have lived here ever since. The main thing that I love about Guernsey is the true community spirit that dwells within the island and the opportunities available for people of all ages to get involved with community activities which give islanders a strong sense of belonging.
Over the past year during the Covid-19 pandemic this has become even more clear with the whole of the Guernsey Together movement ensuring the safety of our Islanders through a very difficult time. Furthermore, the willingness to help from so many Islanders when people are in a time of need which obviously is exacerbated during a global pandemic.
Some amusing parking issues have occurred during the operation of vaccination centre but one that sticks in mind was when we were in 2nd wave of lockdown. We explain to all patients entering the Beau Sejour car park that they need to make their way through the car park, park their cars and then go up the ramp to Beau Sejour main entrance. On as few occasions during the first few weeks, patients assumed it was similar to the Covid-19 testing facilities where the vaccination stations are a drive-through facility, so proceeded to drive up the pedestrian ramp - which isn’t wide enough to take a car – often to stare at us accusingly and confused.
However, no accidents have occurred to date and we hope to keep it that way.
Thank you Matt!
There's more from Matt and his colleagues in our feature on The Many Faces of Guernsey's CVC
Imagery by Paul Chambers