Meet Karen De Carteret, she's one of the nurses working as a Vaccinator at Guernsey's Covid Vaccination Centre. We asked Kaz to tell us a bit about herself and to share her thoughts on working at the CVC and living in Guernsey through the pandemic... of course, we put it in a List!
Here's what Kaz had to say...
I saw that the CVC were looking for additional staff and I really liked the idea of helping Guernsey people to be protected as best as possible from Covid 19, so I completed all the required assessments and waited for the offer of some shifts.
I love vaccinating, I enjoy meeting each and every one of the people who pass through the centre. Some may take 20 minutes due to being anxious or unsure... I don't mind, I have plenty of time and if they leave having been vaccinated that's another person on the way to being protected from serious illness. Mostly, people are extremely grateful to receive their vaccine.
I am a Staff Nurse Day Patient Unit. During the second wave of the pandemic here in Guernsey I was seconded to the Covid Scheduling Team for six weeks. I appreciated having the opportunity to help people who were very anxious and worried. The screening team are very supportive and welcoming and they do an amazing job with the public, who are understandably very anxious that they may have Covid.
Being part of this valuable team and helping the people in for testing, made me want to help more when the opportunity arose.
I am a local girl, and I love my job. I work with a great team and meet so many people - as a local I also know many of my patients or their relatives.
I love the life we have in Guernsey. We are relatively safe and we have the sea, beautiful walks and the countryside all on our doorstep. I am always grateful to call Guernsey my home.
I am extremely proud of the way everyone in Guernsey has been so supportive of each other, and how they have helped and cared for strangers, families and friends alike during the pandemic.
I feel we have been extremely fortunate in many ways. However I still often think that despite being extremely lucky there were many families grieving and people couldn’t be supported in the usual way. Nurses and carers were absolutely shattered from wearing the PPE and caring for these patients and residents, and we must never forget these people. Mental health has been challenged this past year to say the least and this too must not be forgotten - support must continue and this must be invested in.
I think I am just so grateful that the prediction of what might have been didn't occur, due to the amazing guidance of Dr Nicky Brink and the States, steering the community through transparency and regular reporting.
I don't stress about things in the way I use too. This has taught us all how life is so precious and how truly vulnerable we really are - lets just enjoy our lives.
Finally I am totally privileged to be part of this amazing TEAM. I work alongside some lovely people from many areas of the community.
Thank you Kaz!
There's more from Kaz and her colleagues in our feature on The Many Faces of Guernsey's CVC
Imagery by Paul Chambers