Last Quarter Moon

Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius

Wednesday 1 May 2024

In partnership with New Moon Wellness

How You May Be Feeling And Why.

Aquarius energy is forward thinking and logical. It has a rebellious streak to it, reminding us we don’t have to follow convention, we can sing to the beat of our own drum.  It is safe to be seen as your raw, unapologetic self! 

 The last few weeks may have brought a lot of emotions to the surface which can feel uncomfortable. Sometimes it can be hard to accept all of the parts of ourselves - shadows and all - but once we do, we can acknowledge the shadows with compassion and understanding. By  embracing them we reclaim our power and wholeness, accepting ourselves as we are. 

Ahead of the next New Moon you may feel drawn to push yourself out of your comfort zone, to live in a way you want to live rather than a way you have felt you have to live.  


How To Take Advantage Of This Energy.

Dancing is an amazing way to express yourself and release emotions.  Check out Movement Medicine Ecstatic Dance to dance to the beat of your own soul.

Find out more with our Weekly Moon Guide, your local guide to the moon cycle and energy in Guernsey.

In partnership with New Moon Wellness

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